Most Requested Capability Now Available: Draw & measure on the map

Study Area Map draw on the map example - cropped

Based on the survey last month completed by over 100 users, the most requested capability was to be able to draw on the map and save those drawings to your account. Well, now you can! In fact, you can draw points, lines and shapes on the map, save the drawings, and add multiple drawings onto the same map. And, as a bonus, length and area is automatically measured and displayed as you draw! Once you add drawings to your map, plus any other map layers you want to show, you can save the finished map to your account, and share … Read more

Action Required if you use the Custom Map tools on

Steps for Sharing Google Sheets

This message is for anyone that uses any of the following custom map tools on mapBuilder: Color-Code ZIP Codes from a spreadsheet mapBuilder: Color-Code Counties from a spreadsheet mapBuilder: Add points from a spreadsheet If you do NOT use Google Sheets to create maps on this website, you can safely ignore this message. What has changed? The way in which Google Sheets spreadsheets are published to the web has changed. This website and many others used a prior version of Google’s API that is imminently being discontinued. What do I need to do? Fortunately, the action you need to … Read more

Custom Map tools now make it easier to know if an address is located within your custom area

Now when you build a custom map using the mapBuilder on the Custom Area Maps or Custom Color-Coded Map tools, you will easily be able to tell if an address is located within your custom area. For example, if you create this link to a map of a Home Care Service Area, you will see a map like the following, with the blue message at the top indicating whether or not that location is within your custom area: A message is also displayed just below the map: The information is reported based on the location of the blue pin. The … Read more

On the move? Map tools now let you update your location automatically

What is my current elevation

As before, to show your current location while using any of the map tools on this website, you can click the ◉ button in the upper right corner of the map. But now you can keep clicking the ◉ button to set it to automatically update your location on the map in 1, 5 and 10 minute intervals. Bonus: Monthly Contributors also get an option to update every 0.2 minutes (12 seconds). This might be useful when you are: on the road and need to know what jurisdiction you are in (e.g. city, township, county and state) need to know … Read more

Have it Your Way: Section Township and Range

Section Township and Range Maps by County example

If you’ve used the Section Township Range map tool, you probably already know that you can search by address or place using the Search places box above the map, or you can find a particular parcel using the Find parcel tool at the bottom of the map: Now there are additional ways to get to the Section Township Range map that you want to see. First, you can go Section Township Range Maps by State or Individual County Maps of Section Township and Range found in the Reference Maps section, such as this map of Sarpy County, Nebraska: Once on … Read more

ZIP Code Maps of Every U.S. County

ZIP Code Maps by County

In addition to the county maps showing cities and townships announced previously, now you can also view an interactive ZIP Code map of every U.S. County, found in the Reference Maps menu. As an example, here is a ZIP Code map of Auglaize County, Ohio: As shown in the above example, if a ZIP Code area falls completely OR partially within the county, it will get included on the map. If you then want to see all of the ZIP Codes in the surrounding counties and states too, just click anywhere outside the county or search for a new place … Read more

Create custom areas and add your own points to any map with NEW mapBuilder

mapBuilder example adding custom areas and custom points to the same map

mapBuilder, found below the map on most map tool pages on, lets you add custom areas and custom points to any map! There are three main sections to mapBuilder: Custom Areas, Custom Points and Map Title/Display Options Within each section, read the description and click the Show Me How button or sample map links to get a feel for what’s possible. Here’s a screenshot of the Create Custom Areas section, where you can overlay custom areas based on a list of ZIP Codes (5-digit or 3-digit), or you can color-code ZIP Codes or Counties from a live-linked spreadsheet: For … Read more

Website Infrastructure Updated: You may need to clear your browser cache

Good news: In an effort to improve the performance of the various map and search tools, the website infrastructure has been updated over several days this week. Action: As a result, if you experience any unexpected issues when viewing the map and search tool pages, try doing a hard refresh of the page using Ctrl+F5. If something still isn’t working quite right, please clear your browser cache, exit all browsers and go back in. This should solve 99% of issues, but if you still are having any trouble, please get in touch using the Help link at the bottom … Read more

How high are you? That is…What is your elevation?

What Is My Current Elevation screenshot

A quick announcement of two Map Tool enhancements on the website. Check out how high you are… ok, your current elevation ;) with the What Is My Current Elevation? tool. It looks like this: The tool uses your device location, and so is typically more accurate on a mobile device with GPS. With the other tool enhancement, you can determine your current ZIP Code based based on your device location with the What ZIP Code Am I In? tool. Note that this one works based with larger ZIP Code areas. These tools can both be found in the Current … Read more

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Plus, use mapBuilder to create custom maps using points, lines (routes), ZIP Codes or Counties

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Draw & measure on maps

Save maps to your account site screenshot