More is more: data, legends and maps!

For a while now, you have been able to use our mapBuilder tool to create color-coded maps using ZIP Codes, counties and points. We love all the creative ways our users have leveraged mapBuilder! And we also knew we could make some things more flexible for you to map more of your data in the ways that you want. More data columns It used to be that you could only map one data column from your Google sheet: ZIP Code, a data column and a color. Or County, State, a data column and a color. Or latitude, longitude, a data … Read more

Action Required if you use the Custom Map tools on

Steps for Sharing Google Sheets

This message is for anyone that uses any of the following custom map tools on mapBuilder: Color-Code ZIP Codes from a spreadsheet mapBuilder: Color-Code Counties from a spreadsheet mapBuilder: Add points from a spreadsheet If you do NOT use Google Sheets to create maps on this website, you can safely ignore this message. What has changed? The way in which Google Sheets spreadsheets are published to the web has changed. This website and many others used a prior version of Google’s API that is imminently being discontinued. What do I need to do? Fortunately, the action you need to … Read more

Create custom areas and add your own points to any map with NEW mapBuilder

mapBuilder example adding custom areas and custom points to the same map

mapBuilder, found below the map on most map tool pages on, lets you add custom areas and custom points to any map! There are three main sections to mapBuilder: Custom Areas, Custom Points and Map Title/Display Options Within each section, read the description and click the Show Me How button or sample map links to get a feel for what’s possible. Here’s a screenshot of the Create Custom Areas section, where you can overlay custom areas based on a list of ZIP Codes (5-digit or 3-digit), or you can color-code ZIP Codes or Counties from a live-linked spreadsheet: For … Read more

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Plus, use mapBuilder to create custom maps using points, lines (routes), ZIP Codes or Counties

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