1814 Historical New Hampshire Counties Map
View an Historical New Hampshire County Map on Google Maps
Why would you want to see Google Maps of historical New Hampshire county boundaries? County boundaries in the U.S. have changed over 17,600 times since America was settled in colonial times! This historical counties tool built on Google Maps will help you make sure you’re searching in the correct county for the place and any historical date you are researching.
Research with confidence with this historical New Hampshire counties map tool built using the complete dataset of the authoritative Newberry Library’s Atlas of Historical County Boundaries project.
Quick Tips for using this Historical New Hampshire Counties map tool
- There are four ways to get started using this Historical New Hampshire Counties map tool
- Type a PRESENT-DAY address or place into the Search places box above the map and choose the one you want from the auto-complete list
- Click the map to see the historical county name for where you clicked (Monthly Contributors also get Dynamic Maps)
- Search using GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) using the Find lat long box in the top right above the map*
- Click the ◉ Use Current Location button in the upper right corner of the map to use your current device location. Click the ◉ Use Current Location button again to automatically update your location every 1, 5 or 10 minutes (Monthly Contributors also get an option to update every several seconds, shown as ◉A for Active).**
Historical county boundaries will draw, and the historical county name for the location will appear above the map. Click the “more…” button for details on the latest boundary change that occured prior to the date you specified, including reference to the particular statute that triggered the change. The latitude and longitude for the blue pin is also displayed. - Optionally, check the Show labels checkbox in the lower left corner of the map to see the names of the historical counties on the map
- Check the Show chronology checkbox in the lower left corner of the map to see a complete listing of every county boundary change for the blue pin’s location from the date you typed back in time to original county formation
- Use the SHOW PRESENT-DAY LAYERS panel in the lower left corner of the map to show present-day county lines, city limits, civil townships and section township range with the historical counties. If you have historical county labels checked and are also showing present-day civil townships, then civil township labels will also draw.
- Use the Find parcel tool below the map to search for a present-day Section, Township and Range, for example from a land deed. Tip: You don’t have to specify a Section if you only know the Township and Range. Also, you can leave the PM (Prime Meridian) set to “any” and the tool will let you know if there are multiple matches. NOTE: THIS SEARCHES PRESENT-DAY TOWNSHIP RANGE, NOT HISTORICAL TOWNSHIP RANGE.
- Save your map or Share it with others
Learn More
- Create custom map overlays above, and explore Selection Tools and Census data below
- Review additional usage tips, coverage notes, sources and disclaimers below
- Subscribe to email updates below for tool updates and usage tips
- Get Access to expanded funtionality with Ad-Free Fullscreen Map tools
* You can search using various formats of latitude longitude, including degrees, minutes and seconds; degrees and decimal minutes; or decimal degrees
** The ◉ Use Current Location button will be more accurate on smartphones and other devices containing a GPS; desktop browsers typically show an approximate location
Census Bureau Statistics
Click the Census links above the map to show the following Census demographic data for the feature the blue pin is located in
Why would you need a map with historical county boundaries?
Here are several example uses for historical New Hampshire counties on Google Maps (see disclaimer):
- Genealogical Research: While tracing your family tree, pinpoint where your ancestors lived and understand how county changes might have affected them.
- Archival Searches: If you’re delving into historical records, knowing the pertinent county during the time in question ensures you’re searching in the right archives or courthouses.
- Land and Property Lineage: Understand the context of historical ownership changes of a piece of land or property over the years, especially if county borders shifted.
- GPS Coordinate Historical Context: For specific GPS points, understand which county they would have fallen under at any given past date.
- Historical Address Verification: Determine the specific county of a present-day address during a past era, aiding in accurate historical context and study.
- Academic and Educational Insights: Teachers, students, and researchers can better grasp county evolution, aiding in geography, history, and social studies education.
- Infrastructure and Urban Planning: Urban planners can consider historical county boundaries when assessing older infrastructure, roads, and city development patterns.
- Cultural and Community Evolution: Understand the historical narratives, events, and shifts that influenced community changes over time.
- Legal and Land Dispute Clarification: Provide context to historical legal disputes or issues rooted in historical county demarcations and jurisdictional changes.
- Environmental and Ecological Studies: Researchers can trace environmental changes, land use, and conservation efforts in relation to historical county boundaries.
- Historical Tourism and Exploration: Travelers keen on exploring historical sites can gain context about the county boundaries that existed during significant events or eras.
- Economic and Societal Analysis: Economists and sociologists can study past county-based data to understand economic shifts, migrations, and societal changes.
Looking for PRESENT-day county boundaries on Google Maps? Here it is: County Lines tool.
Selection Tools: Find Historical Counties by radius or by drawing a line or shape
- Click the Selection Tools button in the lower left corner of the map
- – RADIUS SELECT: To find Historical Counties within a radius, specify the mileage in the “Optional radius select” box, then use the Point “Add a marker” tool to drop the center point of the radius*
– SELECT USING A LINE OR SHAPE: To find Historical Counties that touch a line or a shape you draw, use the Line tool or Shape tool to draw the shape, double-clicking when finished*
– SELECT WITHIN DISTANCE OF A LINE OR SHAPE (also known as a buffer): To find Historical Counties that are within a distance of a line or a shape you draw, first specify the mileage in the “Optional radius select” box, then use the Line tool or Shape tool to draw the shape, double-clicking when finished* - The Historical Counties will be highlighted and listed in a “Results from map” box below the map, where you can copy the selected Historical Counties for use in a spreadsheet or other document
– Optionally, keep drawing shapes to select more Historical Counties - When you are finished selecting Historical Counties, click the “Done Selecting” button in the lower left corner of the map
* Historical Counties for the date or year you have specified in the “As of” date box will get selected if any part of the shape you draw (or applied radius or buffer) falls within the historical county boundaries
FAQs for 1814 Historical New Hampshire Counties Map
Why was this tool created? Many people have requested to be able to see historical county lines from the Newberry Library’s Atlas of Historical County Boundaries displayed on top of Google Maps.
While some other tools can show the Newberry Atlas in GIS formats for Google Earth, requiring downloads and installation, this free tool shows the entire Newberry Atlas of Historical County Boundaries overlaid on Google Maps in a web browser. Therefore, you don’t have to download, install or import anything, and you can even use it on your smart phone or tablet.
Additional Usage Tips
- Be sure to read the Quick Tips above on how to use this map tool
- In the upper right corner of the map, you can switch the map between Map view (with optional Terrain), Satellite view or POI view (points of interest)
- As you zoom in, present-day highways, roads, streets, rivers, streams and other map features are also shown on this Historical US County map
- The Search places box uses a standard Google Maps geocoding engine, therefore you can type PRESENT-day street addresses, road names, points of interest, etc. to see what historical county that present-day location was part of as of the historical date you specified
– Note that typing an address will zoom in the map very close, whereas typing a city or county by itself will show you a map with a wider view - You can use the < and > buttons on the sides of the As of date box to quickly jump back and forward a decade.
- For convenience, when you specify only a four-digit year (and not a full date), the tool will default to using the US Federal Census date that was used in that decade. (This is also true when using the < and > buttons.) Lining up with Census dates makes genealogy research easier when comparing to other records. If you do not want to use the Census date, specify an exact date instead in M/D/YYYY format.
- Some counties or regions were claimed by more than one jurisdiction in some historic years. When this is the case, more than one county will be listed, and the ‘more…’ button will show you the details of the jurisdictional claims.
- Because the map layers are complex, fewer lines will be shown if you are zoomed out too far
- Search the FAQs for more detailed help
Coverage Notes
– Coverage includes all 50 US states, from as early as 3/4/1629 through 12/31/2000. For present-day county lines use the County Lines on Google Maps tool.Sources
– Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, a project of The Dr. William M. Scholl Center for American History and Culture at The Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. The information is included in this tool under the Creative Commons license shown on the bottom of the linked page.– US Census Bureau
Have a genealogy blog or website? Create your own custom link to this Historical New Hampshire Counties Map for any year and place
Accuracy and Limitations: The information provided by this map tool has been obtained from various public data sources shown in the Sources box above. These sources have varying degrees of reliability and completeness and are subject to change over time. Additionally, while the latitude and longitude values displayed by the map marker suggest a high degree of precision, you should be aware that the underlying Google Maps and source data may not reflect this level of accuracy nor precision.No Legal or Surveying Use: Due to these potential inaccuracies, this tool is not intended for, and must not be used for, legal, surveying, or any critical decision-making purposes. The information is provided on an as-is basis for general reference and entertainment purposes only. For specific inquiries regarding data accuracy or fitness for use, please consult the original data sources. For decisions requiring precise location data, consult the appropriate government or other authoritative sources, and seek professional legal advice.