If you have a website that makes use of legal land descriptions, now you can quickly create a link to a map centered on any Section, Township and Range. Or if you are traveling looking at large land parcels, you can see what Township, Range and Section you are currently* in.
This is an advanced capability of the Section Township Range on Google Maps tool.
To zoom into a particular Section, Township and Range, create a link such as this:
Clicking this link takes you to this map:
TIP: copy/paste the link above and customize to suit your needs
The parameters you can use are as follows:
- state – REQUIRED FIELD. Expects an UPPERCASE two character state abbreviation, such as ?state=CO
- sec – Optionally include a particular section number, such as &sec=15 (if not included, the map will center on the entire township and range)
- t – REQUIRED FIELD. This is the Township number, such as &t=4
- td – REQUIRED FIELD. This is the Township direction indicator and must be N, S, E or W, such as &td=N
- r – REQUIRED FIELD. This is the Range number, such as &r=69
- rd – REQUIRED FIELD. This is the Range direction indicator and must be E, W, N or S, such as &rd=W
- color – optionally choose the color used for the Map Title. Expects a 6-character hex color code without the leading # character, for example, &color=00ff00 would create a green map title (free tools are widely available on the internet to find your hex color)
- title – optionally creates a title for the map, such as &title=Sec+15+T4N+R69W+CO
To zoom to your PRESENT* Section, Township and Range, create a link such as this:
The parameters you can use are as follows:
- loc – REQUIRED FIELD. Expects to be set to true in order to use your current location, such as ?loc=true
- color – optionally choose the color used for the Map Title. Expects a 6-character hex color code without the leading # character, for example, &color=00ff00 would create a green map title (free tools are widely available on the internet to find your hex color)
- title – optionally creates a title for the map, such as &title=My+Current+Township+Range+Section
A few important things to make this work:
1. You must use the question mark ( ? ) right after , as shown above
2. Do NOT use spaces anywhere in the URL or query parameters
3. You must separate query parameters using the ampersand ( & ), as shown above
4. User the + character to represent spaces in the title parameter
TIP: For simplicity, you can drop the https://www from the front
* Your current location is typically more accurate on smartphones and other devices containing a GPS; desktop browsers typically show an approximate location.
Happy mapping!