QUICK LINK TO THE MAP TOOL: County Lines on Google Maps
Updated January 2020
Thanks to many of you for the great feedback on my new County Lines on Google Maps tool!
Several of you commented (or lamented) at the UK and Ireland not being included. So now they are!
Here are a couple of screenshots:
As before, to get started just type any place name (just as you would in Google Maps) and click Go! You can then type another name, zoom in, click in another county, and so on.
I hope you find these additions useful!
Quickly see your current county and answer “What county am I in right now?”
Now more global coverage: In addition to the US, UK and Ireland, you can now also view county lines in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland and Mexico.
Details: Within the UK, England displays Counties and Unitary Authorities, Scotland displays Council Areas, Wales displays Principal Areas, and Northern Ireland displays Districts. Explanation of Unitary Authorities, Council Areas, Principal Areas and Districts.