Just type in your address or city in the box at www.randymajors.org/maps, type a year as late as 2000, then click Go! County boundaries as of your chosen year will appear. (Sorry for those outside the United States — this only works for U.S. locations)
Now, find the check box just below the map, and click it.
Sit back and travel back in time through every county, state, territory and country your red marker location ( ) has been a part of! See the example below showing Durango, Colorado — part of La Plata County, Colorado today — all the way back to when it was part of Mexico in 1804!
NEW: You can also set the update interval that controls how quickly the map and list changes as you go back in time.
On a practical note, if you do historical or genealogy research, it’s important to know what county your place of interest was part of as of a given point in time. For example, if your location was part of a different county than what it is present day, that other county courthouse just may have the record you’re looking for.