Looking at search statistics on my websites, it seems the vast majority of people who visit this site are looking for a few tools I’ve created. So this post is simply to make it easy to find those tools, starting with the most popular:
AncestorSearch using Google Custom Search
Searches using the full power of Google, and automatically applies advanced Google search techniques so you’re much more likely to find mentions of ancestors that are otherwise buried in thousands of Google search results. Great for genealogy and also searching for living people. Linked to by over 100 professional and amateur genealogy sites, this tool has received over 80,000 visits.
Historical U.S. County Boundary Maps interactive tool
County boundaries change over time. With this tool, you can make sure you’re looking in the right county for the place and historical years you’re researching. Then optionally overlay research locations on the map such as courthouses, cemeteries, churches, and libraries, and link right to them for more information. Over 30,000 visits to this tool.
Let’sWalkTo, food & fun you can walk to right now
Helps you find restaurants, bars and entertainment within walking distance from wherever you might be, whether at home or travelling. Just choose what you’re looking for and how long you want to walk. Then optionally filter with keywords, see ratings, link to walking directions and more.
Historical World Political Boundary Maps interactive tool
Find the correct world country boundaries for the place and historical timeframe you’re researching.